Today is one of those days where it is just miserable outside in the sun. I hate to complain, because I would truly rather be hot than cold…but it’s hooot. I still love to try and get outside for at least a little bit on days like this though. The fresh air just puts everyone […]
Sensory Bins
Sensory bins for kiddos from 5-8
DIY Rainbow Chick Pea Name Activity

We love DIY activities in my house. If I could create something new for my children to explore every day…I would! But, with a kindergartener, preschooler, toddler, and baby, I just don’t have that kind of time! So, one of my favorite things to do, is to take the DIY materials that I have already […]
How To Color Chick Peas For Sensory Play

I am an avid DIYer and a crafter at heart. When I see a new creative project on Pinterest or Instagram, I just have to try it! Scrapbooking, painting, stained glass, salt dough, homemade play dough, woodworking, homemade crayons, DIY soaps, resin letters, ornaments, colored sensory rice, and the list goes on! The one area […]
How To Color Rice For Sensory Play

Sensory bins are incredibly magical. The possibilities for what you can include and what your cuties can create is limitless! After becoming comfortable with sensory bins and making them a regular part of our play, I wanted to make things a bit more exciting! I thought a great place to start was by adding some […]
Gear Color Match Sensory Bin

My middle kiddo is deep in color-learning territory (if that’s even a phrase…) right now. He points out colors all day long and is constantly looking for his favorite color… red! However, teaching colors can be frustrating for some (including me!). It’s such a basic concept, not like teaching the alphabet or how to read, […]
How to Create a Sensory Bin

Sensory bins are a forever love in our home. My kiddos can’t get enough of them! We’ve tried water, rice, beans, dried pasta, crushed Oreos, rocks, shells, Easter grass, and the list goes on and on! With sensory bins being all the rage right now (and rightfully so with all of the learning potential!), I […]
Sensory Bin Animal Match

Does your kiddo like animals? My 4 year old loves animals. And I mean L-O-V-E-S them! He carries them around in a basket, or a backpack or a construction hat (you use what you can, I guess!) and inserts them into all of his play. Blocks turn into a zoo, magnetic tiles become an animal […]
Wash the Alphabet Sensory Bin

What is one of the most focused on skills in our children’s primary years? Learning the alphabet, of course! To some kids, learning the ABC’s just comes natural. Take my oldest, for instance; he was naturally curious about the alphabet. He did our ABC puzzles on a daily basis and knew all of his letters […]
Dinosaur Sensory Bin

Do you have a dinosaur lover in your house? We sure do! What’s not to love?! They are cuddly, fuzzy, gentle animals…ok, maybe not exactly. But they are pretty neat! There is something so incredible about dinosaurs. Even I enjoy learning about them with my kiddos! My nephew is obsessed with dinosaurs! We definitely like […]
Roll and Count Fine Motor Sensory Bin

I don’t know about you, but my littles are in love with sensory bins! I decided to take advantage of their excitement and create some engaging and educational sensory bins for the coming weeks. First on the docket, this counting sensory bin! Counting is a very important toddler and Preschool skill and many kiddos will […]
Sensory Bin Star Sort – Toddler Color Activity

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, my sensory bin is where you are! Hands up if you are in love with sensory bins. We just can’t get enough of them over here! And this sensory bin in particular is so wonderful for my littles. The whole activity included a story, color sort, then free play and lasted […]
ABC Play Dough Sensory Bin

If there is one activity that always grabs my kiddos’ attention, it is play dough. They love the stuff! Well, this play dough sensory bin just took it up a notch. Play dough at the table with a mat is fun, but play dough on the floor in a bin with all sorts of tools […]