My middle kiddo is deep in color-learning territory (if that’s even a phrase…) right now. He points out colors all day long and is constantly looking for his favorite color… red!

However, teaching colors can be frustrating for some (including me!). It’s such a basic concept, not like teaching the alphabet or how to read, yet some children really struggle with it. So, why not make the teaching fun?
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Why Sensory Bins?
I am not the type of teacher, or parent who likes to use flashcards or a lot of paper learning. In my experiences in the classroom and at home with my kids, I have found that hands on learning is the best way to help children not just remember, but learn a new concept or skill. They need to be touching and manipulating the materials while developing new connections in their ever expanding brains.

Sensory bins have become my way to introduce (and practice) new concepts and skills with my littles, while presenting them in a fun and engaging way! I have yet to meet a sensory bin that my kids have not enjoyed. It doesn’t matter what kind of base I use either; rice, sand, beans, noodles, etc. They are always a hit! Because of this, I use sensory bins a lot. Sometimes just to engage my littles long enough to get a couple of chores done. But, most of the time, with an intentional focus on developing a specific skill.
Related: Looking for an amazing gross motor color activity? Check this out!

This gear color match sensory bin was one of the easiest set ups yet! Here is how I did it:
How To
1. Set up your sensory bin with rice as the base. Or, Click here for over 25+ base ideas to try!
2. Add the gears to the rice.
3. Place a matching base plate for each color beside the bin.
4. Add some tongs and invite the kids to play.
Simple as that!

This color sort was so much fun to watch! My middle man just loooves naming colors in books, around the house and on the go. This was a great way to assess where he was at with his color learning. I was able to ask questions and provide prompts to figure out which colors he needed more practice with. “Where is a green gear?” “What color is this gear?” “Which base would this gear go on?”
It is not just about the colors!
This is one of those activities that pulls double duty. Not only are you able to focus on colors, your sweetie will get some great fine motor practice as well! Just grab a pair of tongs and ask your little to pick up one piece at a time using them. It requires a lot of focus and control to grab the gear and place it on its base. Obviously, if using the tongs is a bit too challenging, your kiddos can always use their hands. My littles did a bit of both!
What I love about this sensory bin, besides the color and fine motor skills practice, is that it leads right into play. After my kiddos had sorted all of the gears by color, they instinctively started playing with them! Hooking them up together, making patterns, building towers and so much more! My favorite activities are those that lead into play. Just like this awesome activity!
Want to step it up a notch?
If you are looking to enrich this activity even further, it’s as simple as adding a book! Books are, by far, my favorite way to add an extra learning element to play. They are just…amazing! Books can transport kids to new places and teach them about anything they want to know. My oldest is extremely into books, even though he cannot read yet. He will sit for an entire hour (no joke!) and just look at the pictures and create a story. He tells me about the pictures and animals as if he is right there with them! I cannot stress enough, how incredibly important they are. And you don’t need to have an expensive or extensive library in order to teach your children. Having a bookshelf or two of the right books makes all of the difference!
My recent favorite has been Usborne. My sister is a consultant with them, so my kids have been lucky to receive many of their books for birthdays and holidays! After reading through the books that my kiddos have been gifted, I have fallen in love with Usborne Books and More! What’s more? They have an amazing selection of books for beginning skills. Think, colors, numbers, letters, reading, and on and on! We have 2 of their color books and my middle man has to read them every night! They are also the perfect compliment to this activity! Check out this link for a list of their amazing color themed books!
Now, go grab your gears and get this sensory bin set up today! How else do you like to play with colors in your home?
Looking for more enriching color fun? Check out this Cookie Color Match activity!