I don’t know about you, but my littles are in love with sensory bins! I decided to take advantage of their excitement and create some engaging and educational sensory bins for the coming weeks. First on the docket, this counting sensory bin!

Counting is a very important toddler and Preschool skill and many kiddos will be able to count to, at least, 10 by the time they finish Preschool. However, counting with one-to-one correspondence is a difficult skill to master and needs plenty of practice time.

When I say one-to-one correspondence, I mean matching one object to one number while counting. For example, if your child is counting blocks he would touch one block each time he says a number without repeating numbers or blocks touched. It’s a tricky thing to master! That’s where this awesome sensory bin comes in.

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- Sensory bin – I use this storage bin from Target
- Large bag of Rice
- Muffin tin
- Tongs
- Foam dice (normal dice work fine too – just watch those littles who still put things in their mouths!)
- Pom Poms (or try counting bears, small animals, cotton balls or gems)

My kiddos were mesmerized by this activity! Changing it up slightly from our normal set-up gave them a whole new perspective. And rolling the dice while playing? Well, that turned this – already fun activity – into a game! Best of both worlds for sure!

My littles couldn’t get enough of rolling, counting and filling the muffin tin with Pom Poms. And talk about fine motor practice! Using those little tongs to pick up and drop off each Pom Pom is a lot of work!

I foresee this turning into a regular sensory bin for us. If you have a little who could use some counting practice, give this bin a try!

Looking for more sensory bin ideas? Check out my literacy-focused Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Sensory Bin!