When I was a kid, I loved flipping through catalogues and circling all of the toys and crafting kits that I wanted for Christmas. And then when Christmas morning came, opening those gifts under the tree was so exciting! But, for the majority of those toys and kits, they got played with for a few […]
Best Supplies
How to Prepare for Kindergarten!

Are you getting ready for Kindergarten? Us too! What an exciting time for your little learner! But, there can also be some anxiety surrounding the first day (for kids and parents!). What will the teacher be like? Do you have all of the correct supplies? Will your sweetie remember to go to the bathroom when […]
Water Play – Teddy Soup

I am typically not one to complain about the summer weather, because our winters up north are so cold. But people…IT’S HOT!!! Now, I will absolutely take hot over cold any day, but I do not remember it being so hot growing up over the summers. Since we spend so much of the winter cooped […]
Non-Food Easter Baskets for Kids

Easter is approaching and it is time to break out the plastic eggs and prep those baskets! And whether it’s for allergy reasons or not, Easter baskets tend to be trending towards non-food fillers. Can I get a ‘whoop whoop!’ The Back Story Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays. Growing up, I […]
The Best Rainbow Activities for Preschoolers

This is the time of year when I like to center a lot of activities around rainbows. It is still winter, but Spring is right around the corner. Rainbows are bright, cheerful and just make everything better! Not only are rainbows beautiful, but they can be very educational too! Rainbow activities are a great way […]
How To Color Rice For Sensory Play

Sensory bins are incredibly magical. The possibilities for what you can include and what your cuties can create is limitless! After becoming comfortable with sensory bins and making them a regular part of our play, I wanted to make things a bit more exciting! I thought a great place to start was by adding some […]
Best Toys For Preschoolers

My, once toddler, made a rapid transition to ‘big kid preschooler’ right before my eyes this summer. I feel like one day he was a toddler, and the next he was a big kid! Making that transition this summer, I realized that my 5 year old was ready for some bigger (ok most of them […]
How To Make Resin Letters

Well people, I finally did it. I made my own resin letters! And it was, AMAZING! Resin has become extremely popular to use for educational purposes, recently. My Instagram and Pinterest feeds have been flooded with resin letters and numbers made with glitter, little charms, dried flowers and bold colors. I couldn’t stand it any […]
7 Easy At Home Learning Activities with Blocks

This is definitely not the fall that I imagined in January! COVID-19 has certainly thrown a wrench in many of our plans, one of which was sending our children to Preschool and Pre-K this year. We could have sent them, but with school being online (for the foreseeable future where we live), we opted to […]
Must-Have Back to School Supplies

Whether your kiddos are going back to school in person or learning from home this year, I’ve got you covered with my favorite supplies, from a parent and teacher perspective! This upcoming school year is one that I never in a million years would have imagined. Due to the current global pandemic, more children than […]