This is definitely not the fall that I imagined in January! COVID-19 has certainly thrown a wrench in many of our plans, one of which was sending our children to Preschool and Pre-K this year. We could have sent them, but with school being online (for the foreseeable future where we live), we opted to […]
Imaginative Play
Must-Have Back to School Supplies

Whether your kiddos are going back to school in person or learning from home this year, I’ve got you covered with my favorite supplies, from a parent and teacher perspective! This upcoming school year is one that I never in a million years would have imagined. Due to the current global pandemic, more children than […]
Recycled Egg Carton Train – Easy Craft For Kids

Remember when you were a kid and you had to save recycling to make things for school? Dioramas, science fair projects, egg drop parachutes. (Just me?!) Well, when I was teaching Kindergarten, before I had kids of my own, I saved all sorts of recycling to reuse in the classroom. I created supply caddies out […]
3 Enriching, Alternate Activities for Your Smiling Moon Balancer

Play is a magical thing, and giving my children the opportunity to imagine, create, and explore is one of my all-time favorite parts of parenthood! When choosing toys for my children, I have always gravitated towards quality, multi-purpose toys. I love letting my littles interact with open ended products that spark their imaginations and promote […]
Gear Color Match Sensory Bin

My middle kiddo is deep in color-learning territory (if that’s even a phrase…) right now. He points out colors all day long and is constantly looking for his favorite color… red! However, teaching colors can be frustrating for some (including me!). It’s such a basic concept, not like teaching the alphabet or how to read, […]
Flower Sensory Bin

Fresh flowers can make even the darkest days brighter. It’s not often that we have them in the house, but my sweet husband – I mean children, wink, wink – got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Mother’s Day. Surprisingly, they lasted for 2 weeks! Once they started to go, I couldn’t bear to […]
Build Your Day – At Home With Kids

How to keep your kids engaged, learning, and happy while stuck at home – And save your sanity! *This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn on qualifying orders at no additional cost to you. It’s official. I am to remain at home with my 3 kiddos for at least the next […]
Sleepy Baby Mammals Activities – With Mimi’s Playtime

If there is one thing that my kiddos love, it is animals. Especially when we can sing and craft about them! This week I am so excited to announce that I have teamed up with Rozelle from Mimi’s Playtime to share some fun activities to go along with her wonderful song! She created the sweetest […]
The 5 Best Easter Activities

Easter has most definitely snuck up on us this year. With all of the focus on The Coronavirus, I haven’t even been thinking about Easter! If you are anything like me, some quick and easy activities for the kiddos is exactly what you need! *This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn […]
How to Create a Sensory Bin

Sensory bins are a forever love in our home. My kiddos can’t get enough of them! We’ve tried water, rice, beans, dried pasta, crushed Oreos, rocks, shells, Easter grass, and the list goes on and on! With sensory bins being all the rage right now (and rightfully so with all of the learning potential!), I […]
Toddler Clean Up Game – Tong Edition

Who said tongs are just for cooking?! As much as I may try, my kiddos seem to think that my tongs do not belong in the kitchen. Actually, they use them for just about everything but cooking! Truth be told, they are actually great tools for fine motor practice. And a super fun way to […]
Top 12 Indoor Activities to Keep Toddlers Busy

If your family is anything like the millions of families across the world affected in some way by the Coronavirus right now, you are probably spending a lot of time at home. While that may feel like a ‘Staycation’ to some people, for those of us who have toddlers…it can be quite the opposite. Don’t […]
Balancing Dinosaurs – Fine Motor Activity

Dinosaurs and animals are everything to my toddlers! I, honestly, don’t know where we would be without them. We have big ones, small ones, some that move, some on wheels, and everything in between! No matter which type my littles are using, they just bring a special element to our play. Ideally, I’d love to […]
Alphabet Soup Sensory Bin

Anyone else have a different imaginative play activity occurring every hour at their house? My kiddos are 100% in that stage right now, which I absolutely love! They spend hours making up stories with animals, sending toys across the world in airplanes, and going back to the Jurassic Period on their self-built dinosaur trains. I […]
Easy Less-Mess Slime

Want to know a secret? I’ve taught Kindergarten, coached, and worked with kids since I was a teenager, but it is really hard for me to watch my kids get messy. I know, I know! So much learning happens through messy play! But, now that my kids are the ones making the mess, all I […]
Wash the Alphabet Sensory Bin

What is one of the most focused on skills in our children’s primary years? Learning the alphabet, of course! To some kids, learning the ABC’s just comes natural. Take my oldest, for instance; he was naturally curious about the alphabet. He did our ABC puzzles on a daily basis and knew all of his letters […]
Dinosaur Sensory Bin

Do you have a dinosaur lover in your house? We sure do! What’s not to love?! They are cuddly, fuzzy, gentle animals…ok, maybe not exactly. But they are pretty neat! There is something so incredible about dinosaurs. Even I enjoy learning about them with my kiddos! My nephew is obsessed with dinosaurs! We definitely like […]
Paw Patrol Alphabet Rescue – Toddler Activity

Ready to rescue the alphabet, Paw Patrol style! Do you have a little who loves Paw Patrol? I have 2 of them! I also have a kiddo who is not extremely fond of sitting in one place to practice letter recognition. Sound familiar? Well, this is the perfect activity for you! *This post contains affiliate […]
ABC Play Dough Sensory Bin

If there is one activity that always grabs my kiddos’ attention, it is play dough. They love the stuff! Well, this play dough sensory bin just took it up a notch. Play dough at the table with a mat is fun, but play dough on the floor in a bin with all sorts of tools […]
Animal Box Houses

The weather has recently gotten very cold where we live. Cold to the point where I walk outside and it takes my breath away (not a fan!). So, I’ve had to become creative with some engaging, indoor activities to keep little hands busy. Let me tell you, these Animal Box Houses are a life saver! […]