When I was a kid, I loved flipping through catalogues and circling all of the toys and crafting kits that I wanted for Christmas. And then when Christmas morning came, opening those gifts under the tree was so exciting! But, for the majority of those toys and kits, they got played with for a few […]
Wooden Toys
Winter Alphabet Search Sensory Bin

Winter is in full swing here and with the new baby, we are spending plenty of time inside. It’s a bitter sweet situation really. On one hand, I feel like my older kids are missing out on some much needed energy burning time in the cold. On the other hand, I get to stay inside…where […]
Balancing Dinosaurs – Bridges

One of the things that all of my kiddos love to play with is dinosaurs! It doesn’t matter if they are big or small, realistic or solid colored; they love them all the same. At the beginning of 2020 I posted this quick and simple activity featuring dinosaurs and it has become one of my […]
How To Color Chick Peas For Sensory Play

I am an avid DIYer and a crafter at heart. When I see a new creative project on Pinterest or Instagram, I just have to try it! Scrapbooking, painting, stained glass, salt dough, homemade play dough, woodworking, homemade crayons, DIY soaps, resin letters, ornaments, colored sensory rice, and the list goes on! The one area […]
Arctic Sensory Bin

If there is one thing that my kiddos love, it is definitely animals. Include animals in any activity and they are instantly hooked! My kids’ favorites are African and Asian animals (giraffes and panda, to be exact!). But, with the weather turning colder, I wanted to focus on Arctic animals for some play. My kiddos […]
Best Toys For Preschoolers

My, once toddler, made a rapid transition to ‘big kid preschooler’ right before my eyes this summer. I feel like one day he was a toddler, and the next he was a big kid! Making that transition this summer, I realized that my 5 year old was ready for some bigger (ok most of them […]
7 Easy At Home Learning Activities with Blocks

This is definitely not the fall that I imagined in January! COVID-19 has certainly thrown a wrench in many of our plans, one of which was sending our children to Preschool and Pre-K this year. We could have sent them, but with school being online (for the foreseeable future where we live), we opted to […]
Must-Have Back to School Supplies

Whether your kiddos are going back to school in person or learning from home this year, I’ve got you covered with my favorite supplies, from a parent and teacher perspective! This upcoming school year is one that I never in a million years would have imagined. Due to the current global pandemic, more children than […]
3 Enriching, Alternate Activities for Your Smiling Moon Balancer

Play is a magical thing, and giving my children the opportunity to imagine, create, and explore is one of my all-time favorite parts of parenthood! When choosing toys for my children, I have always gravitated towards quality, multi-purpose toys. I love letting my littles interact with open ended products that spark their imaginations and promote […]