The Best Spring Bucket List for Kids

Spring is upon us! Well, kind of, depending on where you live. We had a beautiful, almost coat-less, day this week and then it went back to freezing. So much so that I walked outside to clean my windows, and the cleaner froze to the window upon contact. Haha! What can I say, I was feeling that spring fever bug and wanted to get moving! The outside is going to have to wait for warmer weather, however.

My kids are feeling the spring fever as well. Once I turned the music on and pulled out the cleaning supplies, they were all right there asking what they could spray, wipe, and scrub with a magic eraser! Not sure how long this cleaning enthusiasm will last, but I’ll take it while I have it!

To curb some of our spring excitement over here while temperatures are still not cooperating, I decided to make a spring bucket list. This allowed us to plan out all of the things that we can’t wait to do once temperatures warm up a bit.

Being stuck inside all winter is one of my least favorite things about living in the North. The snow is pretty for a few weeks, but then I’m ready for warmer weather and fresh air. There is just something about the warm sun shining down on you to truly warm the soul and lift your mood.

Anyway, on to our spring bucket list! I let the kids brainstorm with me so I was sure that everyone’s ideas were included. Here is what you will need:

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How To:

This is a pretty simple activity to work through. Begin by brainstorming some fun activities with your littles. Be sure to include things that you couldn’t do during the long winter, as well as a few favorites.

Once you have a bunch of ideas written down, weed out the ones that you either don’t want to do, or can’t do.

Now that you’ve got your list, grab some markers and write them down! You can do all of the writing to keep things aesthetically pleasing, wink wink, or let your littles have a turn and truly make it a family activity.

You could even have each kid make their own spring bucket list if you want to promote a little more independence and your kids are at an age where they can do some things by themselves.

Here is how ours turned out:

Looking for a written list of our activities? You can check it out below:

  • Ride bikes
  • Go on a walk
  • Plant flowers
  • Go to the park
  • Blow bubbles
  • Play in the backyard
  • Jump in puddles
  • Climb trees
  • Go to the pool
  • Play with chalk
  • Eat outside
  • Look for a rainbow
  • Play basketball
  • Build with Legos outside
  • Create an outdoor sensory bin
  • Make popsicles
  • Go on a hike
  • Eat at a food truck
  • Spring clean our toys
  • Wear shorts
  • Drink smoothies outside
  • Go on a run
  • Look for bird nests
  • Go to the farm
  • Have a play date
  • Go to the zoo
  • Donate old toys
  • Read a book outside
  • Plant a garden
  • Make a rainbow
  • Ride our scooters
  • Bake a spring dessert
  • Go to a Farmer’s Market
  • Wear sunglasses
  • Play with water outside
  • Take an indoor activity outside
  • Sit outside
  • Build something
  • Watch a rainstorm
  • Make s’mores

Happy Spring!

No matter what you include on your list, have fun with it! For people who experience all 4 seasons, spring can be a really exciting time. Snow melts, birds chirp, babies are born, the breeze is fresh, and the sun is shining. It’s good for the soul!

So, if the only thing you do is hop outside every day to grab some fresh air, that might be exactly what you need. This list is not meant to bankrupt you, there are plenty of simple, free activities that you can include. Your kids will just have a blast putting all of their ideas down on paper. And you might be surprised by what your kiddos are most excited to do this spring!

Thank you so much for reading, sweet friend! It truly means the world to me. See what we are up to on Instagram and follow along on Pinterest for more fun with your littles! Check out some of our favorite rainbow activities below! Enjoy this beautiful season!

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