A lot has changed with our Easter eggs over the past few years. My allergy kiddo has outgrown his egg allergy (woohoo!) so we can actually color and hunt for real eggs again! However, the kids enjoyed the plastic egg hunt so much; and since the Easter bunny fills the eggs, we just had to […]
Just For Fun
Fun activities for kiddos from 5-8
The Best Spring Bucket List for Kids

Spring is upon us! Well, kind of, depending on where you live. We had a beautiful, almost coat-less, day this week and then it went back to freezing. So much so that I walked outside to clean my windows, and the cleaner froze to the window upon contact. Haha! What can I say, I was […]
Most Popular Valentine’s Day Books for Kids

We LOVE books over here! Big books, small books, board books, chapter books, fictional books, nonfiction books; all of them! So, it’s no surprise that we have our Valentine’s Books ready to go. Today, I wanted to share with you some of our favorite love books for all ages, as well as a few that […]
Valentine’s Day Heart Animal Craft for Kids

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we are getting in the spirit over here! My kids are already discussing what types of valentines they will bring to school, but I’m more focused on the home front. What will we create to display in our home and to mail to our loved ones? We have […]
Most Popular Valentine’s Day Products for Kids

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! If your kiddos are in school, chances are you are already planning out their class valentines. I have always handmade the valentines that my kiddos end up passing out, but not everyone has the time for that. This year has been particularly busy for us, and with 3 […]
Easy LEGO Storage for Kids

Did your kids get ALL the Legos for Christmas? We have entered the LEGO age with my big boys and it seems that we went from a few sets to an Army’s worth of LEGO bricks overnight! Thanks to Christmas, and some very generous Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles, they are everywhere! It was obvious that […]
The Best Disney Activity Bags For Kids

Headed to Disney? How exciting! It truly is The Happiest Place on Earth. Setting yourself up for success at the parks begins with a properly packed bag and a top-notch activity bag for the kids. But, don’t worry, an epic activity bag doesn’t have to take up much room. And, you don’t even have to […]
Sponge Boats – Outdoor Water Activity

Today is one of those days where it is just miserable outside in the sun. I hate to complain, because I would truly rather be hot than cold…but it’s hooot. I still love to try and get outside for at least a little bit on days like this though. The fresh air just puts everyone […]
Name Building Activity with Cars

My 3 year old is currently deep in letter exploration. We are specifically focusing on his name. There are so many different ways to explore letters, that it can be hard to choose sometimes! One thing is for sure, the more active my little jumping bean can be while learning, the better! He is always […]
Balancing Dinosaurs – Bridges

One of the things that all of my kiddos love to play with is dinosaurs! It doesn’t matter if they are big or small, realistic or solid colored; they love them all the same. At the beginning of 2020 I posted this quick and simple activity featuring dinosaurs and it has become one of my […]
Fine Motor Indoor Snowmen

My littles love the snow and are so excited that we live in a place that gets plenty of it throughout the winter! However, we are part way through January and we have yet to get snow that sticks around for more than a few days…puzzling for sure! Because my littles are itching to build […]
Salt Dough Name Activity

I have been itching to create salt dough name plates for my littles ever since I saw the adorable wooden name plates popping up in small shops across the world! It seemed like such a no brainer! I’ve used salt dough to make ornaments, gifts, Easter eggs and so much more. Why wouldn’t I use […]
Sleepy Baby Mammals Activities – With Mimi’s Playtime

If there is one thing that my kiddos love, it is animals. Especially when we can sing and craft about them! This week I am so excited to announce that I have teamed up with Rozelle from Mimi’s Playtime to share some fun activities to go along with her wonderful song! She created the sweetest […]
The 5 Best Easter Activities

Easter has most definitely snuck up on us this year. With all of the focus on The Coronavirus, I haven’t even been thinking about Easter! If you are anything like me, some quick and easy activities for the kiddos is exactly what you need! *This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn […]
Toddler Clean Up Game – Tong Edition

Who said tongs are just for cooking?! As much as I may try, my kiddos seem to think that my tongs do not belong in the kitchen. Actually, they use them for just about everything but cooking! Truth be told, they are actually great tools for fine motor practice. And a super fun way to […]
Top 12 Indoor Activities to Keep Toddlers Busy

If your family is anything like the millions of families across the world affected in some way by the Coronavirus right now, you are probably spending a lot of time at home. While that may feel like a ‘Staycation’ to some people, for those of us who have toddlers…it can be quite the opposite. Don’t […]
Balancing Dinosaurs – Fine Motor Activity

Dinosaurs and animals are everything to my toddlers! I, honestly, don’t know where we would be without them. We have big ones, small ones, some that move, some on wheels, and everything in between! No matter which type my littles are using, they just bring a special element to our play. Ideally, I’d love to […]
Magnetic Cookie Sheet Activity

It’s 5:00pm and everyone is home from the day’s activities. You are in the kitchen trying to pull together a quick dinner with a toddler pulling at your pants because she is apparently starving and there is nothing to play with! Sound familiar? Unfortunately, this is all too common for many. *This post contains affiliate […]
Christmas Tree Sticker Ornament Activity

December is the time for everything Christmas and Winter themed in my house! There is just something about this month that brings a smile to my face. Although I don’t prefer the weather (except for the first snow fall, I LOVE that!) I can’t help but feel joyful. Two things I love to do when […]
Pattern Block Christmas Tree Activity

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I can hardly believe that it is already December! And with December comes Christmas decorating, cookie baking and a dramatic increase of indoor activities. I like indoor activities just as much as the next Mom! But when you are stuck inside all day because of bad weather, […]