Halloween is right around the corner, and you better believe that my kiddos are already getting excited! The stores have been full of costumes, candy, and decorations since before school started (necessary, definitely not, in my opinion). My littles are already narrowing down their costume selections and brainstorming on how we can decorate our yard […]
Sensory Activity
Sponge Boats – Outdoor Water Activity

Today is one of those days where it is just miserable outside in the sun. I hate to complain, because I would truly rather be hot than cold…but it’s hooot. I still love to try and get outside for at least a little bit on days like this though. The fresh air just puts everyone […]
How to Create an Invitation to Play

Do you want to occupy and engage your kiddo so you can have a few minutes to drink your coffee, go to the bathroom without a mini shadow, or start dinner? Well, of course you do! An easy solution is always to turn on the tablet or TV and let your little veg out on […]
DIY Rainbow Chick Pea Name Activity

We love DIY activities in my house. If I could create something new for my children to explore every day…I would! But, with a kindergartener, preschooler, toddler, and baby, I just don’t have that kind of time! So, one of my favorite things to do, is to take the DIY materials that I have already […]
Winter Alphabet Search Sensory Bin

Winter is in full swing here and with the new baby, we are spending plenty of time inside. It’s a bitter sweet situation really. On one hand, I feel like my older kids are missing out on some much needed energy burning time in the cold. On the other hand, I get to stay inside…where […]
Free the Animals – Ice Play

Something that my kiddos have gotten really into this summer is ice play. To be honest, I never thought about freezing toys before. Why would you put a perfectly good toy in a block of ice?! I just didn’t understand it… that is, until I did it. And, boy, let me tell you. It is […]
Water Play – Teddy Soup

I am typically not one to complain about the summer weather, because our winters up north are so cold. But people…IT’S HOT!!! Now, I will absolutely take hot over cold any day, but I do not remember it being so hot growing up over the summers. Since we spend so much of the winter cooped […]
Flower Planting Sensory Bin

Sensory bins are a forever love in my home. My kids will spend hours playing with a simple set up. And with a 5 year old, 3 1/2 year old and 2 year old…that’s saying something! I’ve recently seen all sorts of planting play set ups on Instagram and thought I’d hop on the wagon! […]
The Best Rainbow Activities for Preschoolers

This is the time of year when I like to center a lot of activities around rainbows. It is still winter, but Spring is right around the corner. Rainbows are bright, cheerful and just make everything better! Not only are rainbows beautiful, but they can be very educational too! Rainbow activities are a great way […]
How To Color Chick Peas For Sensory Play

I am an avid DIYer and a crafter at heart. When I see a new creative project on Pinterest or Instagram, I just have to try it! Scrapbooking, painting, stained glass, salt dough, homemade play dough, woodworking, homemade crayons, DIY soaps, resin letters, ornaments, colored sensory rice, and the list goes on! The one area […]
Arctic Sensory Bin

If there is one thing that my kiddos love, it is definitely animals. Include animals in any activity and they are instantly hooked! My kids’ favorites are African and Asian animals (giraffes and panda, to be exact!). But, with the weather turning colder, I wanted to focus on Arctic animals for some play. My kiddos […]
How To Color Rice For Sensory Play

Sensory bins are incredibly magical. The possibilities for what you can include and what your cuties can create is limitless! After becoming comfortable with sensory bins and making them a regular part of our play, I wanted to make things a bit more exciting! I thought a great place to start was by adding some […]
7 Easy At Home Learning Activities with Blocks

This is definitely not the fall that I imagined in January! COVID-19 has certainly thrown a wrench in many of our plans, one of which was sending our children to Preschool and Pre-K this year. We could have sent them, but with school being online (for the foreseeable future where we live), we opted to […]
Must-Have Back to School Supplies

Whether your kiddos are going back to school in person or learning from home this year, I’ve got you covered with my favorite supplies, from a parent and teacher perspective! This upcoming school year is one that I never in a million years would have imagined. Due to the current global pandemic, more children than […]
Gear Color Match Sensory Bin

My middle kiddo is deep in color-learning territory (if that’s even a phrase…) right now. He points out colors all day long and is constantly looking for his favorite color… red! However, teaching colors can be frustrating for some (including me!). It’s such a basic concept, not like teaching the alphabet or how to read, […]
Flower Sensory Bin

Fresh flowers can make even the darkest days brighter. It’s not often that we have them in the house, but my sweet husband – I mean children, wink, wink – got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Mother’s Day. Surprisingly, they lasted for 2 weeks! Once they started to go, I couldn’t bear to […]
Build Your Day – At Home With Kids

How to keep your kids engaged, learning, and happy while stuck at home – And save your sanity! *This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn on qualifying orders at no additional cost to you. It’s official. I am to remain at home with my 3 kiddos for at least the next […]
Sleepy Baby Mammals Activities – With Mimi’s Playtime

If there is one thing that my kiddos love, it is animals. Especially when we can sing and craft about them! This week I am so excited to announce that I have teamed up with Rozelle from Mimi’s Playtime to share some fun activities to go along with her wonderful song! She created the sweetest […]
The 5 Best Easter Activities

Easter has most definitely snuck up on us this year. With all of the focus on The Coronavirus, I haven’t even been thinking about Easter! If you are anything like me, some quick and easy activities for the kiddos is exactly what you need! *This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn […]
How to Create a Sensory Bin

Sensory bins are a forever love in our home. My kiddos can’t get enough of them! We’ve tried water, rice, beans, dried pasta, crushed Oreos, rocks, shells, Easter grass, and the list goes on and on! With sensory bins being all the rage right now (and rightfully so with all of the learning potential!), I […]